Have you ever wondered how your childhood experiences formed the person you are today? Oprah and Dr. Bruce Perry explore this question in their best-selling book What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing
Examining the latest research on brain development, stress response, and resilience, they show us how our bodies and minds adapted to the environment and experiences of our childhood. They help us see how our behavior today can often be understood as coping responses to the stress or trauma we were exposed to. Instead of asking the usual question of What’s wrong with you? they ask What happened to you?
Join me for a different book club experience. In addition to discussing the book, we’ll work with horses in equine facilitated sessions to have them help us see ourselves in a new way. As we learn to understand our behaviour and the way our body works, we open up the opportunity to respond differently to difficult situations.
Each workshop will be limited to 4 participants and will consist of 4 weekly 3-hour sessions. Workshops will be held on either Tuesday evenings or Wednesday afternoons.
This workshop could be especially helpful for educators and first responders as we learn how behavior is influenced by stress and trauma.
$195 for four sessions
All participants must be fully vaccinated for Covid and any current Covid guidelines will be followed.